Tuesday, January 08, 2008

TCFT's Upcoming Merch!

Don't you want to have these cool tees? Contact us @ thecurefortomorrow@yahoo.co.id with the subject "TCFTEES" :) Pick the one which describes you most! Or do you want to buy more than one? :D Hey, the price is upon request, the more you order, the tees will be MUCH cheaper! I'll post the price ASAP!

Green: I want to save the world. Do you?
Yellow: I unplug my charger. Do you?
Red: I take the bus everyday. Do you?
Blue: I care. Do you?
Pink: I love to help people. Do you?
Grey: I use recycled paper. Do you?

Larger image: http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs24/f/2008/007/1/e/TCF_Tees_by_alandarocks.jpg


Anonymous said...

Horeee :D
gw juga mau dooong :D

Anonymous said...

post harganya juga dunks... :D